Learn strategies for maintaining the optimum amount of inventory. Understand how to determine what to order,
when to order and how much to order to provide uninterrupted service at minimum cost. Learn to classify inventory
and establish priorities. Learn how to balance customer service levels with inventory costs. Understand how to
manage physical inventory (inventory counts, …).
Learn how to plan supply chain resources (raw materials, parts, manufacturing capacity, storage
capacity and people) to fulfill customer demand (answering questions of what/how much and when to produce,
without creating excess or obsolete inventories). Learn how to achieve consensus on the supply plan between
different departments through sales & operations planning.
Learn methods for forecasting demand. Understand how to measure and manage demand uncertainty. Learn how
to consolidate and communicate demand as an input for supply planning and sales & operations planning. Get
familiar with the concept of collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR).
Understand how to decide on the optimal transportation modes (land, sea, air), transportation companies and
logistics service providers for delivery of products. Learn how to use Auto-ID and electronic data technologies for
reliable and error-proof logistics. Get familiar with Incoterms 2010 and national- as well as international transportation documents. Understand the concept of sustainable logistics. Understand how to measure and track supply chain performance and why it is important.
Learn how to manage the “Order to Cash” – cycle, starting from the time an order is received, until the ordered
goods are delivered and payment for the goods is received. Understand order promising using “Available to
Promise” and “Capable to Promise”. Learn to schedule the order fulfillment activities, including picking, packaging, shipping, delivery and invoicing.
Learn best practices in warehouse operations, including receiving, putaway, order picking, packaging and
shipping. Understand the concept of lean warehousing and get to know how to eliminate waste in the warehouse.
Understand fire safety and the handling of dangerous goods.
Understand manufacturing environments and strategies. Understand the concept of batch vs. flow and push vs.
pull methods. Understand process design, factory layout, capacity and resource planning. Get knowledge about
the concepts Lean, Six Sigma and Quality Management.
Understand the role and added value of procurement professionals in an organization. Learn how to collaborate
with procurement. Understand the sourcing steps and what an RFP is. Understand the link between sourcing and
the operational procurement processes. Understand the Value Chain. Learn how to plan and prepare negotiation
meetings and how to set objectives for the negotiation meetings. Learn how to conduct the negotiation and how to
use cognitive biases and the game theory in negotiations.
Learn how to implement a legally binding contract once the awarding decision from the RFP process has been
taken and how to use legal terms and conditions. Understand how to limit contractual risks and manage legal
issues or resolve disputes. Understand the statutory rights of a buyer. Learn how to terminate a contract.
Understand sustainability regulations, intellectual property law for supply chain and global trade compliance.
Gain in-depth understanding of Service Level Agreements (SLA’s).
Understand the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) – model. Learn how to read the balance sheet of a supplier and
understand the profit and loss accounting. Learn how to use EBIT figures and understand the importance of cash
flow. Learn how to apply financial ratio’s like ROTA, ROE, working capital, etc. Get familiar with the topics
inventory accounting, activity-based costing and the cash-to-cash cycle.
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Join 10,000+ procurement professionals getting monthly expert cost-optimisation strategies and exclusive resources. Unsubscribe anytime.
Join 10,000+ procurement professionals getting monthly expert cost-optimisation strategies and exclusive resources. Unsubscribe anytime.