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Procurement Essentials (+$3,700.00)
Contract Management Essentials (+$3,700.00)
Negotiation Essentials (+$3,700.00)
Contract Law Essentials (+$3,700.00)
Category Management Essentials (+$3,700.00)
Commercial Acumen Essentials (+$3,700.00)
Stakeholder Influencing and Management (+$3,700.00)
Communications Skills (+$3,700.00)
Conflict Resolution Skills (+$3,700.00)
Sales Skills for Procurement Professionals (+$3,700.00)
Positive Problem Solving (+$3,700.00)
Business Acumen and Commercial Skills (+$3,700.00)
Intermediate Contract Management (+$3,700.00)
Negotiating Outcomes (+$3,700.00)
Strategic Sourcing (+$3,700.00)
Total Cost of Ownership & Benefits Realisation (+$3,700.00)
Drafting Specification and Offers (+$3,700.00)
Supplier Evaluation & Selection (+$3,700.00)
Enabling Better Outcomes from the Contracting Process (+$3,700.00)
Probity for Commercial Managers (+$3,700.00)
Finance for Procurement (+$3,700.00)
Developing a Category Strategy (+$3,700.00)
Implementing Category Strategy (+$3,700.00)
Opportunity & Supply Market Analysis (+$3,700.00)
Market Segmentation (+$3,700.00)
Risk Analysis & Management – Procurement & Contracts (+$3,700.00)
Social & Sustainable Procurement (+$3,700.00)
Developing Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) (+$3,700.00)
Supplier Performance Management (+$3,700.00)
Supplier Relationship Management (+$3,700.00)
E-Auction Management (+$3,700.00)
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