Comprara Group PTY LTD “Comprara”
Comprara finance policies have been developed and managed in accordance with standard accounting and financial management principles. These principles serve the purpose of ensuring Comprara is always in the position to provide students with the training and assessment services that they pay for, and that the fees paid by students are protected. Comprara is also committed to a fair refund policy that returns students fees where there is reasonable reason and notice provided.
1. Fees in advance. Comprara accepts no more than $2000 from each individual student prior to the commencement of the course. Following course commencement, Comprara may require payment of additional fees in advance from the student, but only such that at any given time, the total amount required to be paid which is attributable to tuition or other services yet to be delivered to the student, does not exceed $2500.
2. Fees (as noted above) for training and assessment activities are due for payment no later than one working day prior to the commencement of the course for participants to be enrolled into a course – if spaces are still available.
3. Upon receiving the program fee students are provided with a receipt, duly dated and authorised.
4. A tax invoice is provided as required.
5. Record of fees received is maintained in the receipt’s register.
6. All expenses incurred are recorded in the payments register.
7. The receipts and the payments registers are reconciled with the monthly bank statement.
8. Comprara will refund that part of the fees that remain unearned, to ensure the financial viability of Comprara.
9. All refunds attract a $150 administration fee.
10. A full refund (minus the Admin fee) will be given if cancelled two weeks or more before starting the training/assessment activity or event
11. A 50% refund will be given if cancelled one week (5 business days) or more before starting the training/assessment activity or even, an administration fee of $150 will also apply
12. No refund will apply if cancelled within seven days of starting the training/assessment activity or event, or if a participant fails to attend or complete the training/assessment activity.
13. Participants seeking a refund are required to send an email to or contact our office telephone: + 61 3 8547 3940. Participants are required to provide a valid reason for requesting a refund.
14. Comprara does not engage in unsolicited marketing, if we do, the Statutory Cooling off period will apply. For more information refer to Consumer Affairs:, Fact Sheet Avoiding unfair business practices.
16. Participants who are unable to attend or complete the course they have registered for, may send someone in their place, or transfer to another course of equal or greater value and pay the difference. In some circumstances Comprara may agree to a refund for a cancellation within seven days; however the administration fee will be charged.
17. Comprara reserves the right to cancel a course if minimum numbers are not met. If Comprara cancel a course participants will be offered a place in a future course.
Finance Director
Chief Executive Officer
Date of Review: 1 March 2021
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