Managing Your Supplier Performance

When you have a contract with your supplier, it’s the beginning of an on-going relationship. You expect the supplier to keep performing, day after day, like clockwork – delivering goods and services to the same high standard, and always dependable and reliable.

After all, they signed the contract. They agreed to the terms. They also agreed to the performance monitoring measures that you introduced. For a while, things ticked along as they should. You allowed yourself to be lulled into a false sense of supplier security, and your performance monitoring processes weren’t doing their job.

Performance gone south.

You didn’t notice at first, because it happened gradually.  A little slip up with an incomplete order here. A late delivery there. But when the quality of their deliverables appeared to have come from a pretty dodgy source, you suddenly realise that there are some problems brewing. You need to deal with them, pronto, before they become a big, big headache.

Supplier brick wall.

You call the supplier, and raise the issues. You receive a string of excuses. Acknowledging the problem is not on their agenda, it seems. They’re not too happy with your criticism, and it looks like you’ve hit a brick wall. It’s a supplier stand-off. You know you have to get things back on track, fast.

Academy of Procurement to the rescue.

Thank goodness for the Academy of Procurement. They have just the program you need to up the performance of your supplier: Supplier Performance Management.

The introduction states: “This intensive workshop explores developing a supplier relationship improvement programme to rehabilitate a dysfunctional relationship or improve performance within a satisfactory relationship.” Now that’s worth getting excited about.

The “workshop will benefit managers who are responsible for outcomes delivered by supplier and wish to support selected suppliers in enhancing performance”. Hallelujah! You want to book up immediately!

Experienced facilitators.

Because you’ve attended other courses at the Academy of Procurement, you know they always use experienced facilitators. This makes a huge difference in the learning process, because not only do they discuss key principles and use practical methods, but they incorporate case studies that make the information memorable.

And the fact that others attend because they have similar supplier situations, it helps to know that you’re not the only person with a supplier performance problem.

Workshop agenda.

You’ll learn how to design a supplier improvement framework, and be able to recognise suppliers who are not delivering on their performance agreements – before they get to a crisis situation.

You’ll become confident dealing with suppliers who are falling short of expectations, and set them new targets to start getting back on track.

Toughening up.

And if your supplier doesn’t want a bar of improving their failing performance, maybe it’s time to let them go – time to toughen up. If they’re not willing to work with you and get their supplier act together, they don’t deserve your business.  You’ll be able to make that decision after the course because you’ve learned how to say “Enough is enough.”

And you know you won’t make the same mistakes again. New suppliers will be constantly monitored, rigorously. They’ll be made accountable for meeting all the requirements set in their performance agreement. Nothing will slide past your eagle eye from now on. After all, your job depends on it!

Have a chat with us about how you can improve your Supplier Performance Framework through one of our training programs or our corporate E-learning.

For chalk and talk, see our open training calendar for a session, date, location and time that suits you.


Phone: 61 (03) 8547 3940

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