A sourcing or tender process is used to select the best product or service for a certain category of expenditure.
Unfortunately, lots of these processes are not run well, resulting in loss of large saving opportunities, delivery of poor quality products, or less favorable terms.
The sourcing competence includes: The role of the procurement professional when challenging specifications. How to assess the needs of stakeholders. How to conduct a market analysis. How to run the RFP and RFI processes. How to select and award the best supplier(s). How to manage projects. How to use tools like E-sourcing.
Following are the eLearning courses for Sourcing –
Introduction to the Procurement Process | Short introduction on the procurement process, with an emphasis on RFP process (specifications, running the RFP, negotiations and contracting). |
How to develop Specifications | Understand role of a buyer and internal customer at the specification stage. Communicate with internal customer and assess internal customer needs. Market exploration. Why is it important to challenge specs? How to challenge specs with internal customers – 5W methodology. Functional and technical specs. Knock-out versus nice to have criteria. What are winning criteria? |
How to write an RFQ and RFI | What is an RFI/RFQ and why is it important and when should you use it? What are the different sections of an RFQ? Template RFQ and RFI. What is the ideal number of suppliers to invite for the RFQ or RFI? When to involve the internal customer and suppliers in the process? Communication with suppliers: how and when. |
Basic Negotiation Tactics | How to analyse supplier offers and determine negotiation target? Which suppliers to shortlist for negotiation? What goes wrong with most negotiations? Why do you need at least 2 credible suppliers to negotiate with? How to prepare for the negotiation? How/where/when to negotiate? The top 10 questions buyers receive from suppliers possible buyer answers. How to select the winner? What is the role of the internal customer? How to give feedback to all suppliers after negotiation? Negotiation tips. |
Basic Contract Negotiation | Written or oral contracts? Role of buyer in the process? Impact of important clauses (evergreen contracts, indexes, penalty and exit clauses). Template of a contract. |
Ethics in the Procurement Process | Why should a buyer apply the highest standards of integrity? What information can the buyer (not) give to 1 or to more suppliers? What about gifts? What about gifts during tender period? How does company policy relate to buyer ethics? |
How to collaborate with Procurement | Training for budget holder (non-procurement) on how to collaborate with procurement. What is an RFP process – why is it important – what are the different steps? |
The Role of Procurement Professionals | The role procurement professionals play in their organization. The added value of procurement professionals. The value chain. |
The Procurement Processes | Overview of the sourcing processes. The sourcing steps. Link between sourcing and the operational procurement processes. |
Needs Assessment | Tactical make-or-buy analysis. Needs assessment. Development of Specifications. |
Market Analysis | How to assess market. Search for potential suppliers. Using an RFI. |
Portfolio Analysis | Learn to strategically position purchased goods & services. Kraljic matrix. |
Supplier Relationship Analysis | Position suppliers inside the supplier preferences table. Defining and manage supplier relationships. |
Risk Management | Risk assessment & Risk management. Contingency planning. |
Supplier Selection | Running the RFP process to award the business to the best quality, service and total cost supplier. |
Contracting | Awarding the business. Main principles for contracting. |
eSourcing Part 1 | What is eSourcing? The benefits of eSourcing. The four types of functionality in eSourcing tools. How to build and manage eRFIs. How to build an eRFP. eRFP lot strategy. |
eSourcing Part 2 | eSourcing within a sound process. Manage eRFPs. Validate offers. Prepare an eAuction & types of eAuctions. How to build an eAuction. eAuction lot strategy. Managing eAuctions. Evaluate eAuction results and awarding. Supplier benefits of eSourcing. eContracts. When to use which eSourcing functionalities. |
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