in partnership with

Offers every SCLAA member

Unlimited access
to the largest
e-Learning platform
in the world!

Are you ready to learn the 10 global competencies
for Supply Chain?

Have unlimited access to over 750 high-impact videos covering 250 distinct capabilities and hundreds of resources that apply to your specific job role.

The 10 Supply Chain Competencies that matter.

See Competency descriptions here.

Supported by

Role based training to develop real capability.

Competency expectations are mapped to the
demands of each role.

This becomes the learning plan for the incumbent guiding them on the targeted levels of capability for their role. By completing a skills assessment first, the learner can also see their current capability against the role expectations.

Job Roles >> View Pricing >>

To claim you 20% discount before 31st July use the discount coupon code SCLAA-ME2019 on the shopping cart

The e-Learning Academy is a cost effective
and efficient solution to build your team capability
– for everyone everywhere.

Receive a 12-month licence with unlimited access to over 250+ courses
covering strategic and operational aspects of the
supply chain lifecycle.

A great education experience.

  • Discover an abundance of learning content for junior practitioners right up to director level.
  • In-built team dashboard provides tracking of team progress on learning plans and helps drive engagement in the learning.
  • Inbuilt smarts ensures your organisation gets full value and a strong ROI.

View Pricing >>

To claim you 20% discount before 31st July use the discount coupon code SCLAA-ME2019 on the shopping cart

Supported by

Totally Unique: Learners are fully supported through
their journey ensuring engagement is at its fullest.

Truly active learning

Learning outcomes are pushed through relevant real-life situations pertinent to your job. Includes tools, templates, case studies, articles, course notes and more!


Unique procurement simulations ensure the learning is embedded and will deliver the results your business requires.

Online quizzes
and testing

Throughout the e-learning journey you will complete online learning needs, self-appraisal and quizzes

Watch a Demo >> View Pricing >>

To claim you 20% discount before 31st July use the discount coupon code SCLAA-ME2019 on the shopping cart

Free Capability Audit